Sip Smarter, Sip Greener: Toasting Java Moments with Eco Sipper Mugs!
These coffee mugs with lids are one of the most favorite picks for their design and aesthetic appeal. These beauties are made out of Rice husk and Coffee husk. From sourcing crop-residue to manufacturing these products, we create value to farmers and factories working on development of rural communities. Toxic chemicals are neither used, nor discharged while making these cups
Capacity: 250 ml
- Low carbon footprint
- Can be recycled at the end if their current use
- Great alternate or replacement to Plastic, Glass and Ceramic cups
- Super Sturdy and Unbreakable
Features: Freezer Safe, Microwave Safe, Dishwasher Safe, Break Resistant, Low Maintenance
🌱Sustainability Category: Waste Management
Care Instructions: https://www.justcrapp.com/pages/faq
Rice husks are the hard protective coverings of rice grains which are separated from the grains during milling process. Rice husk is an abundantly available waste material in all rice producing countries, and it contains about 30%–50% of organic carbon. Coffee pulp or husk is a fibrous mucilaginous material (sub-product) obtained during the processing of coffee cherries by wet or dry process.
Coffee husk products are items made from the outer layer of the coffee bean, known as the husk. This byproduct is typically discarded during coffee processing but has gained attention for its potential uses. Coffee husk can be repurposed into various eco-friendly products.
From sourcing crop-residue to manufacturing these products, we create value to farmers and factories working on development of rural communities. Toxic chemicals are neither used, nor discharged while making these cups